beyond software — man­age­ment software for course providers

beyond software

beyond software has been the cloud spe­cial­ist in man­age­ment software for course providers for over 20 years. Man­age your com­pa­ny or club through a cus­tomer-friend­ly user inter­face, allow­ing you to access it any­time, any­where. All you need is a brows­er and access to the Internet.

Do you move your data from one com­put­er to anoth­er in a cum­ber­some way? Would­n’t you rather work at home, on the road and in the office with your lap­top, PC, Mac, smart­phone and tablet with up-to-date data with­out hav­ing to move it back and forth? We have the solution!

With our indus­try solu­tions, you only have to wor­ry about main­tain­ing the data. We take care of secur­ing and pro­vi­sion­ing for you. Inter­est­ed? We would be hap­py to inform you personally!

Our prod­ucts — man­age­ment software for

var­i­ous course providers 

(Yoga, Zum­ba, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Mar­tial Arts etc.) 

How to reach us

beyond software
Felix Stadel­mann
Birken­strasse 14
CH-4106 Ther­wil

+41 61 302 18 80 (no support)


What our cus­tomers say

Even for a small dance school like mine, using the dance school software from beyond software is worth­while because it auto­mat­i­cal­ly takes a lot of the admin­is­tra­tive work off my hands. 
I am very sat­is­fied with the pro­cess­ing time of my requests and their com­ple­tion! The answers come quick­ly, in less than 24 hours. Every­thing is done accord­ing to our ideas. The employ­ees are also very accom­mo­dat­ing. In gen­er­al, we find the software good and under­stand­able. One or the oth­er could still be optimized. 
Dance school from the Bernese Ober­land that wish­es to remain anonymous 
Our 17 dance instruc­tors access the cur­rent course sta­tus and hall occu­pan­cy from any­where. For a dance school of our size, it is impor­tant that our data is always avail­able in sync. The dance school software from beyond software meets all our needs. 
Dance to Dance, Basel 
I’m in Argenti­na from time to time. I real­ly appre­ci­ate being able to do all the admin­is­tra­tive work from any­where in the world. 
Tan­go School Zurich 
I appre­ci­ate the great fea­ture set and look for­ward to using fea­tures not yet used in the future. 
time2dance, Zurich 
I am very sat­is­fied with the pro­cess­ing time of my requests and their com­ple­tion! I always get an answer and help very quick­ly. The employ­ees are always friend­ly. I also like the software. 
Dance school from the Bernese Ober­land that wish­es to remain anonymous 

Some of our customers