Our part­ners


beyond software, Felix Stadel­mann, Basel coop­er­ates with the St. Gallen web agency kliqs gmbh in the cre­ation and revi­sion of web­sites. Thanks to joint projects, we are a well-rehearsed and effi­cient team, espe­cial­ly when it comes to inte­grat­ing the inter­face to our software. Thanks to this coop­er­a­tion, we can offer you a com­plete pack­age of cloud-based man­age­ment and a pro­fes­sion­al web pres­ence. In addi­tion to web­site sup­port, kliqs gmbh can also assist you with online mar­ket­ing.


beyond software, Felix Stadel­mann, Basel works with the infra­struc­ture of SIX Pay­ment Ser­vices. SIX Pay­ment Ser­vices is the indus­try leader in Switzer­land for the accep­tance of cred­it and deb­it cards and guar­an­tees the secure pro­cess­ing of cash­less pay­ment transactions.


beyond software, Felix Stadel­mann, Basel offers mem­bers of the Swiss Dance Teach­ers Asso­ci­a­tion inter­est­ing dis­counts on the annu­al fee.


beyond software, Felix Stadel­mann, Basel is an offi­cial Web­land part­ner. As a Swiss Inter­net provider, Web­land attach­es great impor­tance to a flaw­less and high qual­i­ty infra­struc­ture. For this rea­son, Web­land spares no effort and no invest­ment for a fail-safe and high-qual­i­ty oper­a­tion.