MailChimp inte­gra­tion

The Mailchimp inte­gra­tion from beyond software helps you to add address­es to Mailchimp where you can use them for email campaigns.
With the addi­tion­al web­hook inte­gra­tion, new Mailchimp sub­scribers are added as address­es in your beyond software data­base and when they unsub­scribe, they are removed from the newslet­ter list. 

What does the Mailchimp inte­gra­tion do?

The Mailchimp inte­gra­tion con­sists of two parts:

  1. With the reg­u­lar Mailchimp inte­gra­tion, you can add newslet­ter lists of address­es direct­ly to a tar­get group in Mailchimp. 
  2. Once the Mailchimp web­hook inte­gra­tion is set up, new Mailchimp sub­scribers are auto­mat­i­cal­ly added as address­es and new newslet­ter list items are auto­mat­i­cal­ly added to the cor­re­spond­ing Mailchimp email campaign.
    When a sub­scriber is updat­ed in Mailchimp, the cor­re­spond­ing con­tact will receive a note with the details of the update, allow­ing you to ver­i­fy the update.
    If they unsub­scribe from your list, the address will be removed from the newslet­ter list. 

How is the Mailchimp inte­gra­tion activated?